Monday 21 May 2012

Plan B - group portrait.

Unfortunately my original plan for a group portrait is now no-longer a reality. So i have begun doing some research on what other options/syles i can go for using my classmates as the subjects.

I would like to use up to, but no more than three subjects and play around with the angle of there bodies and positioning of them in relation to the camera lens and to each other. I may even consider bringing in some coloured material to liven-up the background a little - see how i go.

Decided to research a number of Rolling Stones magazine covers to see how band members have been lit and positioned as a starting point. I may also research other areas of group portraiture  later in the week, but this is what i like so far from tonight's research.


Edgy. Experimental and Engaging. Very Rock n Roll.

I really like the positioning of the two
subjects in this shot to almost create
one big shape. Lighting is nice too.

I like the positioning and how each
subject is angled. Lighting looks simple
but might be quite technical...

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