Tuesday 29 May 2012

No photos, but plenty of fun :]

I had planned to re-visit my group shot in class yesterday (Monday) but everyone needed to get there remaining shots done, so i decided to offer any assistance and aim for next week instead. Probably a good thing anyway, because i was zoo tired from the weekend.

Anyway, there was a lot happening in both studios, which was great and i was lucky enough to assist Joel with his editorial shot with Dru as the subject.

It was great fun to be involved in Joel's shoot, because it was highlighted by Dru's expressions as he ate his way through a bowl of popcorn. From what Joel showed me on the back of his Nikon, the results were a success and made us all laugh.

Here are a few behind the scenes shots taken on my camera-phone during setup.


Lindi took this photo.

I took this one.

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