Tuesday 29 May 2012

No photos, but plenty of fun :]

I had planned to re-visit my group shot in class yesterday (Monday) but everyone needed to get there remaining shots done, so i decided to offer any assistance and aim for next week instead. Probably a good thing anyway, because i was zoo tired from the weekend.

Anyway, there was a lot happening in both studios, which was great and i was lucky enough to assist Joel with his editorial shot with Dru as the subject.

It was great fun to be involved in Joel's shoot, because it was highlighted by Dru's expressions as he ate his way through a bowl of popcorn. From what Joel showed me on the back of his Nikon, the results were a success and made us all laugh.

Here are a few behind the scenes shots taken on my camera-phone during setup.


Lindi took this photo.

I took this one.

Monday 21 May 2012

Plan B - group portrait.

Unfortunately my original plan for a group portrait is now no-longer a reality. So i have begun doing some research on what other options/syles i can go for using my classmates as the subjects.

I would like to use up to, but no more than three subjects and play around with the angle of there bodies and positioning of them in relation to the camera lens and to each other. I may even consider bringing in some coloured material to liven-up the background a little - see how i go.

Decided to research a number of Rolling Stones magazine covers to see how band members have been lit and positioned as a starting point. I may also research other areas of group portraiture  later in the week, but this is what i like so far from tonight's research.


Edgy. Experimental and Engaging. Very Rock n Roll.

I really like the positioning of the two
subjects in this shot to almost create
one big shape. Lighting is nice too.

I like the positioning and how each
subject is angled. Lighting looks simple
but might be quite technical...

A day of assisting.

I enjoyed not shooting today. Gave me time to help others with their projects and allowed me to check out their own individual style and vision. There certainly was some interesting stuff being created in both studios this morning. Well done everyone :]

Here are a few of my sneaky "behind the scenes" shots taken with my iPhone from today.


Ian's editorial portrait.

Bec's editorial portrait.

Monday 14 May 2012

Corporate Portrait - DONE :]


Cheers to Joel Benn for being my corporate executive for the day. He was very easy to work with, direct and photograph. After my initial concept wasn't quite working he and Lindi (thank you both) gave me a few things to consider and try and i am very happy with the result.

Here are the stand-out photographs from today's studio class.


A nice half-length portrait.

My pick for head-n-shoulders (portrait).

My pick for three-quarter-length.

My pick for head n shoulders (landscape).

Sunday 6 May 2012

Editorial Portrait - DONE :)

Well, Alex was bang on time and thanks to the hour and a half i had before he showed up, all the lighting was setup and ready to go - just i had planned.

Alex brought great props, now that i think back to it we could have continued shooting well after 12, but felt pleased with what we had achieved within the hour or so of studio time.

I intend to add a lighting diagram and bit of a write-up on how i approached today - soon, as well as develop a magazine cover layout around one or more of these images, but for now here are a few of the photographs i have selected from today's collection.


Saturday 5 May 2012

Alex is all set and ready to go!

Alex is available and ready for our shoot tomorrow in the studio.

He will arrive some time after 10:30am and will be bringing a collection of props with him and suitable clothing. I will take the opportunity before he arrives to set my lighting as best i can to make the shoot run smoothly - more time taking photos basically.

I am very grateful he is able to work in with me so easily and look forward to producing some terrific shots for assessment and to give to him as a way of saying thank you.
