Saturday 21 April 2012

Major Assignment - Portrait 2.

Portrait 2 - Group Portrait.

Since moving to Canberra i have discovered a woman i went through high school with also lives here with her husband and young son. The following photographs consist of conceptual ideas on how to arrange a family of three to ensure the result is a genuine and loving interaction between all three subjects. I want to step away from the classic stand still and smile family portrait and free things up a bit.

I have questioned Kim on whether she is willing and able and the answer is yes, which is fantastic, so i will continue to liaise with her on ways of keeping her son's attention :)

The following images are examples what i would like to try


Marx Nixon Photography.
I really do like this concept and will surely try to
achieve a result like this on the day.

Mark Nixon Photography.
Simple, but with a twist of the parents not holding the
child up to them and instead using a table-top to
support the child. Not sure where the parents hands
are though, looks a bit odd to me unless they are
holding the child's feet..

Photographer unknown.
I know for a fact Kim's little boy ain't that little anymore
so am not sure this concept will be viable, but still felt it
was a nice enough image to add in this blog.

Photographer unknown.
Similar to what i mentioned in the
above image, i'm sure the child is not
this small, but perhaps this is a more
achievable angle and positioning of
everyone to consider trying.

Photographer unknown.
Pretty simple, but there is a nice, natural interaction
amongst the subjects in this photograph.

Photographer unknown.
Same concept as the first image, but in colour.

Photographer unknown.
Works well as a whole, just not sure there is an open
field with a cloudy sky in the studio. Can i add one in
during post production?

Photographer unknown.
I like the closeness of the faces
and interaction from the child.

Photographer unknown.
Makes me think it might be worth considering
laying my subjects down on the ground on top of
a doona / sheets and a few pillows and then shoot
down at them from above as they all snuggle in
together and tickle each other perhaps to bring out
some laughter to the setting.  

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