Sunday 3 June 2012

All done :)

Today ran very smoothly.

I got in and set my lights up early so my subjects could simply stand on their mark and give me the look and poses i was after - of which they did a terrific job.

After the background metered evenly all the way across i metered Michael (dude with beanie) and marked a point on the floor for all my subjects to stand so that they would not cast a shadow on the background according to where i was positioning my main front light. This all went to plan and from there it was simply a matter of getting my three subjects arranged and observing what the light was doing on each of them. A bit of reflected fill was needed, so i asked Will to hold my 5-in-1 reflector so that the left side of Dru and a little of Michael could achieve a better ratio.

The way i got/kept their attention was quite funny. 
Will decided to start watching an episode of Family Guy on his laptop which distracted the boys attention away from myself and the camera quite a bit, so... i went and grabbed Will's laptop and brought it over with me and held it in my left hand as i operated the camera in my right. My hunch of wherever Family Guy went they will follow worked a treat :) All in all though it did help to lighten the mood and loosen up my subjects somewhat which was good.

So thanks again Michael, Joel and Dru for stepping in to help me create what i think is a pretty strong shot of you all arranged together looking like a three-piece band with attitude.

Here is the result from today.


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